Privacy & Cookies Policy

Who we are

This privacy & cookies policy explains what happens to any personal data that you provide to us or that we may collect from you and how we follow good practice when handling personal data.

Madison Cairn is owned by Madison Group.

Our website address is:

The data we collect

We may collect personal information from you, for example if you send an enquiry email to us. Madison Group will collect the following information about:

  • Names of individuals
  • Postal addresses
  • Email addresses
  • Telephone numbers
  • Plus any other information relating to the enquiry

Our website will collect the following information about:

  • Google Analytic data (see Use of Cookies section)

Use of your personal information

Any information that we collect and store relating to you, we will only share with our employees and contractors where it is necessary to fulfil our services to you. We may use this information for the following purposes to:

  • Provide you with information requested from us, relating to our services.
  • Provide information on company news, where you have consented to receive such information.
  • Meet our contractual commitments to you.
  • Invoice and fulfil our accounts.

Access to your information

To be compliant with the Data Protection Act 1998, our Privacy & Data Protection Policy gives you the right to access the information that we hold about you. If you do decide that you would like to see what information that we hold about you, please email [email protected] and we will aim to provide the relevant data within 14 days.

We will always need to verify the identity of anyone making a subject access request before handing over any information. We do not carry out market research, nor do we disclose your data to any third parties.

Data storage

Most, if not all of our data is stored electronically and its company policy that screens of computers should always lock when left unattended. Each company computer is also accessible via a strong password.

Data that is provided to us is safely stored on approved and secure cloud servers, with a separate vault for extra security. The information stored in the vault can only be accessed by directors.

Any personal data that is or has been stored on paper are kept in a locked drawer/filing cabinet and shredded and disposed of securely when no longer required.

Use of cookies

We may collect information about your computer, operating system and browser type, to provide statistical information regarding the use of our website, actions and patterns. This does not identify any individual.

The only cookies in use on our website are for Google Analytics. This provides us with detailed web analytics and helps us understand how visitors engage with our website, which will in the future, help improve it. Google Analytics uses first-party cookies to track visitor interactions as in our case, where they are used to collect information about how visitors use our site.

Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer’s hard drive. These cookies are used to store information, such as the time that the current visit occurred, whether the visitor has been to the site before and what site referred the visitor to the web page.

Google Analytics collects information anonymously. You can opt out of Google Analytics without affecting how you visit our site – for more information on opting out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites you use, visit this Google page.

Third party links

On our website, we use links to third party websites. We cannot be held responsible or liable for the content on these external websites. All third party websites are responsible for their own content and policies, which you should check.

Contact us

If you have any queries regarding this policy, please get in touch: [email protected]

Policy updated: Tuesday 20th September 2022